Market Report: exotic foraged finds at the Flagstaff, Arizona, farmers market
he Flagstaff farmers market, and its founder and administrator, the Center for Sustainable Environments at nearby Northern Arizona University, are fervently committed to supporting regional food producers and native ingredients. You can usually find some foraged food items here -- or so I hoped. I wasn't disappointed. I found wild-harvested elderberries, service berries and an indigenous southwestern herb with a wonderful name, Scented Lippia (though oddly enough, some insist on insulting it with a misnomer, Sonoran oregano). Pumpkins, winter squash and a couple of pomegranates are other items that I find impossible to pass up. So, too, a drive along the south rim of the Grand Canyon and back to Flagstaff by way of the Indian ruins in Wupatki National Monument.
Here's a link to my report on a visit to the Flagstaff farmers market.

Here's a link to my report on a visit to the Flagstaff farmers market.
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