Seasonal Chef's New York City-based contributor, Denise Matychowiak, reports that it's Concord grape season at one of her favorite farmers markets, the small, friendly
St. Mark's Church Greenmarket, in the East Village. In other news from Denise, a cookbook of hers was published earlier this month. A "zany but ultimately reverent" look at Catholic culinary tradtions, it is titled
A Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living: A Loving Look at the Lighter Side of the Catholic Faith with Recipes for Feasts and Fun. Click on the link to go to Amazon. com, where you can read more about the book and order a copy. Congratulations, Denise!
From the West Coast, I have posted a report on what I found at the
Ocean Park Farmers Market in Santa Monica this week. Among my purchases: my first-of-the-season Fuyu persimmons.
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